PvsG Canadian Premiere @ Hot Docs!!



DENVER, CO–March 23, 2010–After four packed and critically acclaimed screenings at SXSW last week, THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS will be presented in the World Showcase programme at the 2010 Hot Docs International Documentary Film Festival in Toronto (April 29 – May 9).

Hot Docs is North America’s largest and most important documentary film festival, conference and market. Each year, the Festival presents a selection of approximately 150 cutting-edge documentaries; and the World Showcase programme is the Festival’s immensely popular survey of the year’s finest non-fiction films from around the world. With its lively mix of public and professional events, Hot Docs is the ideal North American market and meeting place for the documentary industry. Last year, the festival attracted over 2000 delegates, including documentary filmmakers, buyers, programmers, distributors, and commissioning editors from around the world.

“Hot Docs is the perfect follow-up to our immensely popular Spotlight Premiere screenings at SXSW,” says Director Alexandre O. Philippe, “and I couldn’t think of a more exciting venue to introduce our film to Canadian audiences. Hot Docs is an essential stop on the circuit for all documentary filmmakers, and we’re truly honored to be listed among the high-caliber of non-fiction films selected to compete this year.”

THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS, which explores the dysfunctional relationship between the great filmmaker and his fans over the past three decades, will screen at the Bloor Cinema on May 1st (9:15pm) and May 4th (11:45pm), and at the Innis Town Hall on May 3rd (4:00pm).

Early media reactions to our SXSW World Premiere!

‘I’m trying to decide whether or not to spend $1500-plus so I can attend 2010 South by Southwest. […] It may be worth it just to see The People vs. George Lucas.’ Hollywood Elsewhere

‘Premiering at the SXSW film festival is this amazing little documentary that shows the everyday battle we all fight in our love/hate relationship with George Lucas. Diving deep into expert opinion and fandom rage and love the directors analyze the deep dark relationship we all have with Lucas and Star Wars.’ Meredith Woerner, io9

‘Do you think George Lucas is “the Antichrist” and “a little devil disguised as a false prophet”? Or do you believe he’s “unlocked a generation’s imagination”? Either way, the new documentary The People vs. George Lucas, which debuts at next month’s South By Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival in Austin, is going to be a must-see.’ Scott Edelman, Sci-Fi Wire

‘As we continue to pick through the massive 191-feature deep lineup of this year’s South by Southwest Film Festival, we continue to find little films that we’ve been excited about for some time. Chief among these gems is the Star Wars-centric documentary The People vs. George Lucas.’ Neil Miller, Film School Rejects

‘The Documentary I have been looking forward to the most is The People Vs George Lucas. Mostly because I think these people really do understand the love affair that Star Wars fans have with the franchise.

Only someone you love this much can hurt you so deeply. If a movie upset you so badly, you would just dismiss it and be satisfied to publicly snub it by denying its existence. But not Star Wars fans! We just LOVE this so much that we are so deeply offended that Star Wars has treated us this way, and we just must voice these deep hurts to anyone who will listen.

The doc is finally going to be released at the South by Southwest Film Festival next month and I hope soon after we will get a DVD release.’ TheMovieBlog.com

PvsG World Premieres @ SXSW!!




DENVER, CO-February 4, 2010-THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS has been selected for the prestigious Spotlight Premiere section at the South By Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival in Austin, Texas, which runs from March 12th to 21st 2010.

“The team is ecstatic to be screening at SXSW for the film’s world premiere,” says Director Alexandre O. Philippe, “it’s the ideal platform for our launch, as the festival brings together indie films, music and interactive in a unique way that very much reflects the participatory nature of our doc.”

THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS explores the titanic struggle between a Godlike filmmaker and his legions of fans over the most popular franchise in movie history. “At its core, PvsG is the examination of a high-profile, dysfunctional love story”, says Philippe. “George created this humongous and intricate sandbox for us to play in; but is he the sole owner of it, or does it now belong to the ages? And what happens to your role as a creator when your audience claims it owns your art? We basically looked at the conflicted dynamic between George and his fans from a cultural perspective, and asked ourselves those questions.”

The documentary features key testimonies from the likes of Gary Kurtz (Producer of AMERICAN GRAFITTI, STAR WARS and THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK), Neil Gaiman (THE SANDMAN, AMERICAN GODS), Dave Prowse (aka Darth Vader), Anthony Waye (Executive Producer of the BOND franchise), and Dale Pollock (George Lucas’s Biographer, Author of SKYWALKING).

THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS inventively combines these exclusive interviews with fan footage from around the globe, and impassioned testimonies from George’s staunchest fans and foes. “Making this film was a huge investigative challenge, considering how many people were afraid to talk to us. George is a very powerful man. But we stuck to our guns and dug deep to deliver a completely uncensored, no-holds-barred factual account, and, ultimately, what we hope will be recognized as a loving tribute,” says DoP Robert Muratore.

“The obstacles we faced made us really think about the rapidly changing filmmaking landscape, and so we used digital technology to facilitate an open call for contributions – allowing us to make a fully participatory documentary”, says Producer Anna Higgs, known for cross-platform work in the UK and Europe. “In many ways, it’s a tribute to the YouTube generation, which Lucas’s advances in technology helped create,” points out Producer Kerry Roy;  “fundamentally, it’s about how new media interacts with old media, as well as ownership and copyright in the digital age; and it was our intent from day one to give the fans a prevailing voice in the doc.”

The crew worked relentlessly for two and a half years to produce the most accurate, thorough, and impartial deconstruction of an entire generation’s love-hate for the man (admittedly) responsible for their childhood’s mythos; and they acknowledge that this project wouldn’t have been possible without the extraordinary support and encouragement from the fans and contributing filmmakers. “63,686 frequent flier miles, 634 hours of footage, 14TB of drive space, 126 interviews, 719 fan submissions, thousands of fan emails, and only three death threats. The positives outweigh the negatives, I suppose,” jests Producer Vanessa Philippe.

“We were driven by our own admiration for George, profound love of his films, obsession for their significance in popular culture, and opinions about their legacy as cultural milestones,” says Alexandre Philippe.

Neil Gaiman Weighs In @ Worldcon

Sci-fi authors took center stage in Montreal, where we interviewed the likes of Joe Haldeman, Elisabeth Vonarburg, John C. Wright, Lou Anders, and, yes, famed literary “rock star” Neil Gaiman (CORALINE, SANDMAN, AMERICAN GODS), who spoke candidly about George Lucas, his fans, and the story of STAR WARS.

New Production Tour Announced

Post-production has begun, and the PvsG team is off to another 3-week production trip to San Diego, Los Angeles, Modesto, and Montreal. The crew will attend both Comic-Con and WorldCon to interview fans, sci-fi authors, pop culture specialists, film preservation experts, bloggers and critics to add to the 400+ hours of footage already collected for the project. For up-to-date information about the crew’s trials and tribulations on the road, be sure to read our blog at least once a week!

Official Blog

We’re delighted to announce that the official Blog for THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS is finally available! With less than a year of production ahead of us, it is now THE place to go for all the latest scoops and up-to-date information about the project. Please visit us often!

First California Tour Announced

The PvsG crew is ready to embark on the first of several California production trips at the end of April. Our packed schedule includes interviews with Eric Stough (Director of Animation for SOUTH PARK), screenwriter Richard Walter (who wrote the first two drafts of AMERICAN GRAFFITI), Joe Nussbaum (director of GEORGE LUCAS IN LOVE), famed sci-fi author David Brin (editor of STAR WARS ON TRIAL, and winner of the Hugo and Nebula awards), Doug Jones (Senior Programmer for the Los Angeles Film Festival), editor John Venzon (FLUSHED AWAY, SHARK TALE, KUNG FU PANDA: SECRETS OF THE FURIOUS FIVE), and Geek Monthly Editor-in-Chief Jeff Bond.

First Official Teaser Trailer Unleashed!

That’s right. Our first teaser trailer is finally here, and it’s currently exclusively available on YouTube in high definition. In a few days, we’ll add it to the VIDEO EVIDENCE section of our home page; but in the meantime, you’ll have to click here to see it.

We hope you enjoy it, and look forward to your feedback. And may the ‘forward’ button be with you!

Groundbreaking Feature-Length Doc Reveals First High-Profile Interviews

DENVER, CO (December 19, 2008) – Exhibit A Pictures teams up with London-based Quark Films on THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS—the highly anticipated documentary event that delves into the impassioned feelings and opinions expressed by fans and foes of legendary screen icon George Lucas, and the many debates surrounding his legacy.

Revered by some, feared and demonized by others, George Lucas is undoubtedly the most talked about and criticized filmmaker in movie history. Why have so many STAR WARS fans turned against him to decry the release of the Special Editions and the Prequel Trilogy? Why is George Lucas the constant target of bloggers, critics and self-proclaimed devotees? And why are millions of others staunchly prepared to defend him in the face of innumerable accusations? THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS aims to answer those questions, and to impartially deconstruct the cultural legacy of a man whose life, feelings and creative impulses remain largely shrouded in mystery.

Directed by Swiss-born, George Lucas enthusiast Alexandre O. Philippe, and produced by Vanessa Philippe, Robert Muratore, Kerry Deignan Roy and Quark founders Anna Higgs and Gavin Humphries, this controversial documentary has already captured the attention of fans around the world. What’s more, anyone equipped with a video camera is now welcome to participate and submit interviews, rants, songs, skits, animated shorts and other forms of expression for possible inclusion in the film through the September 30, 2009 deadline. Paying tribute to the YouTube phenomenon in groundbreaking fashion, THE PEOPLE VS. GEORGE LUCAS will utilize amateur homemade videos and professional hi-definition footage in equal amounts to craft one of the most original, entertaining, cinematic, and widely anticipated portraits in the history of the medium—the world’s first digitally democratic documentary.

The Exhibit A team is currently traveling the world to interview countless personalities, critics, scholars, writers, filmmakers, comedians, and notorious George Lucas admirers and detractors. Notables (to date) include Gary Kurtz (legendary producer of STAR WARS and EMPIRE STRIKES BACK), Sandy Lieberson (former Head of Production at 20th Century Fox), Dale Pollock (author of SKYWALKING), Producer Anthony Waye (JAMES BOND 007), David Prowse OBE (aka Darth Vader), Nik Powell (THE CRYING GAME), and rising star Tom Payne (MISS PETTIGREW LIVES FOR A DAY). Critics and writers Wendy Ide (THE TIMES), Ian Freer (EMPIRE MAGAZINE), Todd Hanson (THE ONION), Glenn Kenny (PREMIERE) and Joe Leydon (VARIETY) also joined in on the fun, along with MC Frontalot (Godfather of Nerdcore Hip-Hop) and Boba Fett & The Americans, the latest band spearheaded by Shawn King from the Grammy-nominated Denver gypsy outfit DeVotchKa.

Chock-full of impassioned interviews, powerful musical performances, never-before-seen polaroids from the original STAR WARS continuity script, stop-motion and 3D animation, Super 8 action figure films, puppet rants and many other surprises, THE PEOPLE vs. GEORGE LUCAS is slated for release in the Spring of 2010 at a theater not too far, far away from you…

PvsG crew off to Europe and the East Coast!

It’s official! Director Alexandre O. Philippe, Producer Vanessa Philippe, and DP/Producer Robert Muratore are gearing up for an extended trip to Europe and the East Coast to conduct interviews and meet with members of the press. UK Producer Anna Higgs will join in on the fun in London.

While we expect to have a packed schedule, send us an email if we’re in your neck of the woods, and we’ll do our best to squeeze in an interview if we find an opening. Here’s where you can expect to find us:

09/27-10/04: Paris, France

10/05-10/08: Lisbon, Portugal

10/09-10/18: London, UK

10/19-10/24: Geneva, Switzerland

10/25-10/29: Cannes, France

10/30-11/07: New York, NY

11/08-11/09: Winston Salem, NC

You can expect numerous updates during that trip, so please visit our website often. And many thanks to all the fans out there who continue to send us their great footage! We’re doing this for you. We’ve been quite busy shooting another feature doc in India and China during the past three months, and we’re chomping at the bit to kicking things up a notch!